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Gaza, the Zionist Lobby and the University of Sydney


Tim Anderson, original post Al Mayadeen English, 18 Jul 2024–the-zionist-lobby-and-the-university-of-sydney Even in the rarified Australian political environment, it should be clear that the University of Sydney will be one the last places to expect any sensible academic […]


Fascismo y neofascismo del siglo 21


El trabajo de las organizaciones de derechos humanos es esencial para defender la democracia, la justicia y la dignidad humana frente a las amenazas del fascismo. Su labor requiere valentía, perseverancia y el apoyo de la sociedad civil, los gobiernos comprometidos con los derechos humanos y la comunidad internacional.


Amnesty’s Shilling for US Wars


By Ann Wright and Coleen Rowley (2012) original post here: For decades, Amnesty International has been a respected name in the cause of human rights, but its recent hiring of Suzanne Nossel, a longtime U.S. “humanitarian interventionist,” […]