Ukrainian Nationalists and the Holocaust
Book by John Paul Himka (2021) which documents the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists (OUN, UPA) role in the WW2 mass murder of Jewish Ukrainians.
Book by John Paul Himka (2021) which documents the Ukrainian ultra-nationalists (OUN, UPA) role in the WW2 mass murder of Jewish Ukrainians.
Book by John Paul Himka, original post here:
English version translated from the Portuguese and Spanish versions, not from the original Italian, by David Ferreira in 2020
Book by Assistant Prof. Lindsey A. O’Rourke
Artktos ebook 2020. Dugin’s view of multipolarity, there is an overview in Chapter One. Full book is below.
“There was a very serious famine in the USSR, including (but not limited to) the Ukrainian SSR, in 1932-33. But there has never been any evidence of a “Holodomor” or “deliberate famine”. Full book by historian Grover Furr, […]
Classic from 1982 by the late Edward S. Herman
by Ronen Bergman 2018. Israeli journalist exposes 2,000+ terrorist murders by Mossad
The classic neo-realist textbook on Washington’s ‘great game’ of the 21st Century. Essential reading. Full PDF below.
Autobiographical book (en espanol / in spanish) on Marcello’s life in the Chilean left (the MIR), 1960s-1970s, and the origins of his involvement in human rights campaigns.
This book demonstrates that Obama helped institutionalize … gross human rights violations and contributed to America’s strategic decline. His perpetuation of the War on Terror created more enemies and prompted the United States to lose influence in the […]
Australian copies available here: North American and international copies available here: Excerpt:
Here are some links to a range of views on imperialism, starting with Hobson (1902) and Lenin (1916) and then onwards. John A. Hobson (1902) Imperialism, A Study Vladimir Ilyich Lenin (1916) Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism […]
The Dirty War on Syria, now in 10 languages How to get a copy English ebook version here: Several chapters and related articles here: Spanish ebook version here: Arabic ebook version FREE here: الحرب القذرة […]
Fidel Castro & Ignacio Ramonet (2006) Fidel Castro: My Life: A Spoken Autobiography Numerous attempts have been made to get Fidel Castro to tell his own story. But it was only as he stepped down after five decades […]
Ilan Pappe (2007) The Ethnic Cleansing of Palestine Renowned Israeli historian, Ilan Pappe’s groundbreaking book revisits the formation of the State of Israel. Between 1947 and 1949, over 400 Palestinian villages were deliberately destroyed, civilians were massacred and […]
Edward W. Said (1992) The Question of Palestine This original and deeply provocative book was the first to make Palestine the subject of a serious debate–one that remains as critical as ever. With the rigorous scholarship he brought […]
Edward Said (1979) Orientalism More than three decades after its first publication, Edward Said’s groundbreaking critique of the West’s historical, cultural, and political perceptions of the East has become a modern classic. In this wide-ranging, intellectually vigorous study, […]
Frantz Fanon (1961) The Wretched of the Earth A distinguished psychiatrist from Martinique who took part in the Algerian Nationalist Movement, Frantz Fanon was one of the most important theorists of revolutionary struggle, colonialism, and racial difference in […]
Karl Marx (1867) Capital (Volume 1: A Critique of Political Economy) Perhaps one of the most infamous works of the modern world, “Capital” is the German treatise on political economy by Karl Marx that critically analyzes capitalism. First […]
Ho Chi Minh (2011) The Selected Works of Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh (1890 – 1969), born Nguyen Sinh Cung and also known as Nguyen Ai Quoc, was a Vietnamese Marxist-Leninist revolutionary leader who was prime minister […]
Amilcar Cabral (1970-72) Return to the Source: Selected Speeches of Amilcar Cabral Amilcar Cabral, who was the Secretary-General of the African Party for the Independence of Guinea and the Cape Verde Islands (PAIGC), was assassinated by Portuguese agents […]
Jose Marti (1880s-1890s) Our America: Writings on Latin America and the Struggle for Cuban Independence Presents the celebrated Cuban revolutionary’s thoughts on “Nuestra America,” the Latin America Martí fought to make free.